The Importance Of Sensory Toys For Toddlers: A Beginner’s Guide

Let’s face it: being a parent is no walk in the park. We’ve all had those days when we feel like we’re not doing enough, or our child needs something they can’t tell us about. But that’s why sensory toys are so important! 

They help with development, but also provide a safe way for your toddler to explore their environment and learn new things. 

In this beginner’s guide to sensory toys for toddlers, I’ll give you some fun suggestions for toys that will get your kids interacting with their world in ways they might not realize are so important!

You can watch the video below to get a quick recap of what sensory issues are and how they may apply to your child.
Importance of Sensory Toys for Toddlers
Sensory play is crucial for toddlers’ development
Sensory toys help children explore their senses
Sensory toys promote learning and creativity
Sensory play can help children regulate emotions
Sensory toys can enhance social and communication skills

Why are Sensory Toys Important for Toddlers?

Sensory toys for toddlers are important for the development of your child. Sensory play helps kids learn about their bodies and how they work, as well as develop social skills. 

It also helps them learn how to communicate with others, which is important when it comes time to speak in full sentences rather than just babbling like an idiot.

Stimulating one sense at a time can help children learn about the world around them and understand what each sense does. 

That may sound obvious now, but you don’t realize how much we rely on our senses until you see a kid who doesn’t have any sensory inputs or have been damaged by traumatic events such as being exposed to loud noises for too long (like shooting guns or listening to heavy metal music).

Sensory play is an essential aspect of toddler development, and incorporating the right sensory toys can make a significant impact. Learn more about how sensory play can enhance learning and development in our comprehensive guide on sensory play for toddlers.

Visual Development with Sensory Toys

Sensory toys can help your child develop visual skills and learn to focus on an object. As they get older, they’ll become more interested in looking at pictures or reading books with you. This is why it’s important to encourage your child’s visual development through sensory play from an early age.

You can also use sensory toys to teach your toddler how to follow directions by showing them how to interact with the toy and what happens when they do so. 

For example, you could place a toy under a blanket and ask them what’s under there (and then lift up the blanket for them). Or, put different objects in front of them and ask which one belongs together (such as two blocks) — this will help them learn how things work together as well as understand that something belongs somewhere else based on location alone!

Auditory Development with Sensory Toys

One of the most important senses to develop is auditory, which helps with speech and language development. Sensory toys that encourage auditory development include musical instruments and phonetics toys. 

Your toddler can make music by banging on a drum or strumming on a guitar, while they learn new words when they play with phonetics toys that teach them how to say certain sounds (like animal sounds).

For parents who want to use sensory toys as tools for developing their child’s auditory skills, reading aloud to your child is an invaluable activity. 

Reading helps them develop an understanding of language as well as improve their listening skills. Reading is also known for helping children build vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency in speech—all things that are necessary for developing healthy communication skills later on in life.

When using sensory toys with your toddler at home or elsewhere (such as in therapy), make sure that you’re paying attention so you can guide them through the experience at every step along the way! 

When choosing these types of products for your little one’s use outside of home care services too; choose ones made from safe materials such as wood or plastic instead of potentially damaging materials such as metal pieces like bells or clappers inside rattles which could scratch against each other if not properly secured together first.”

Are you a beginner looking to understand the importance of sensory toys for toddlers? Look no further than our beginner’s guide on the importance of sensory toys for toddlers, where we break down the benefits of sensory play and the types of toys that can aid in development.”

Tactile Development with Sensory Toys

The ability to feel and touch things is called tactile development. It’s a crucial part of early childhood learning, which helps children explore their surroundings and form connections between objects. 

Toys that are soft and squishy are great for toddlers who are just beginning to learn about their sense of touch, but as they get older they can be introduced to toys that have more features such as textured surfaces, bumps or ridges, or smooth surfaces.

Olfactory Development with Sensory Toys

Olfactory development is a very important aspect of sensory toys for toddlers, as the sense of smell plays an integral role in their cognitive development. 

In fact, research shows that children who have good olfactory function tend to be more engaged with their surroundings and better at picking up on social cues than those who do not.

Olfactory stimulation can be achieved through introducing scents or aromas into your child’s environment, whether it be through natural or artificial means. 

Aromatherapy candles are a great way to introduce different smells into your home or classroom; you can also try diffusing oils like lavender or eucalyptus in the air! 

If you want something more portable, there are many products available on the market designed specifically for this purpose – look out for sprays that contain organic essential oils like lavender extract or other safe ingredients (such as jojoba oil) which won’t irritate sensitive skin if used regularly over time.”

Fine motor skills are crucial for a toddler’s development, and sensory play can help encourage the development of these skills. Check out our guide on introducing sensory toys to encourage fine motor skills to learn about the types of toys that can aid in developing these important skills.

Taste Development with Sensory Toys

Taste development is important for children’s growth, so we’ll start with the basics. Taste and smell are the only two senses that children have when they are born, but those senses can be developed through sensory toys!

For example, a banana teether toy will help your toddler develop his or her sense of taste. The best way to do this is by having your child bite down on the toy repeatedly until it breaks apart into smaller pieces (which will provide more sensory input). 

If your child doesn’t want to bite down on the toy, try rubbing it along his or her lips instead—this can activate some very sensitive nerve endings in their mouth!

Another great option is a strawberry keychain that’s been dipped in chocolate; not only does this provide an opportunity for toddlers to learn about different flavors (strawberry vs. chocolate) but also about texture differences (fruit vs. candy). 

Once again though: make sure not too much time passes between bites so that he or she doesn’t get overstimulated!

Tips to Incorporate Sensory Play into Daily Routine
Set up a sensory play area
Schedule regular sensory playtime
Encourage children to explore
Use household items as sensory toys
Join in on sensory play activities

Kinesthetic Development with Sensory Toys

Kinesthetic development is the development of the body’s ability to control and coordinate itself. This can include movement, touch, balance and strength. 

Movement stimulates sensory development, but not all kinds of movement are good for child development. Many young toddlers need to be guided into safe movements in order to develop their skills. Kinesthetic toys help them do this by providing opportunities for exploration that they can control or have input in while also providing feedback if they make a mistake or hurt themselves.

When choosing kinesthetic toys for your toddler:

  • Choose sturdy materials like wood or metal whenever possible so as not to break easily
  • Be sure that any string attached does not present a choking hazard (such as being tied into knots)

Choosing the right sensory toys for your child can be overwhelming, but it’s essential to their development. Our guide on sensory toys for toddlers: how to choose the right ones for your child provides helpful tips and recommendations to make the selection process easier.

Vestibular & Proprioceptive Development with Sensory Toys

The vestibular system is a sensory system that helps us maintain our balance, posture, and eye movement. 

It’s made up of three parts: the semicircular canals in each ear and their connecting tubules to the brain (which provide feedback about head movements), as well as two fluid-filled sacs called the saccule and utricle one located in each inner ear. 

The movement of these parts triggers signals in your brain that tell you whether or not you are moving; this is what we experience as “motion sickness” when we ride on boats or take airplane trips!

Proprioception refers to our body awareness, including sensations related to movement such as pressure on joints, muscle tension, touch sensations on skin receptors like those found near joints (for example: knee caps). 

Proprioception also allows us to sense where our limbs are without looking at them directly because this information is sent from various receptors located throughout our bodies via nerve endings which send signals back up through the spine into areas like the cerebellum (which controls motor coordination) where it gets interpreted into useful information for us such as how far apart two objects are based upon whether one finger touches another before or after another one does so within milliseconds instead of minutes.”

Children with autism can benefit greatly from sensory toys, and certain toys can aid in improving communication skills. Check out our list of 15 sensory toys that can improve communication for children with autism to learn about the toys that can make a difference for these children.

What are the Best Sensory Toys for Toddlers?

Sensory toys are a great way for your toddler to learn, but they’re also fun! Here are some of the best sensory toys for toddlers:

  • First, there’s always the classic, vintage-inspired Fisher Price Classic Xylophone. This toy is made of wood and has different color buttons that make a different sound when pressed down—perfect for any kid who loves animals.
  • For babies who love music, there’s also a version with Mickey Mouse on it. It may be more expensive than other options at about $10 per toy, but babies will love pressing down on all those buttons! Plus it comes with two mallets so you can play together as a family (or just let them enjoy themselves).

If your child likes balls more than anything else in life right now (like mine), you might want to consider purchasing some rubber balls from Amazon ($10), which come in three colors: blue/green/pink; pink/blue; green/yellow. 

They’re made out of soft rubber so they won’t hurt if accidentally thrown at someone’s face! And because they’re inexpensive too ($10) they won’t break if dropped either (unlike my tablet).

Top 5 Types of Sensory Toys for Toddlers
Water Play Toys
Texture Play Toys
Musical Toys
Visual Stimulation Toys
Gross Motor Toys

Use Sensory Toys To Teach And Guide Your Child During Development

Sensory toys are great for all children, but especially those with special needs. They can be used to help your child with autism learn to focus and communicate, or they can help a child with ADHD learn to focus by providing a distraction from the disorder. Sensory toys may also be helpful for children who have sensory processing disorder (SPD), which is characterized by a difficulty in processing sensory input.


As you can see, there are many benefits to using sensory toys for toddlers. Not only do they help develop your child’s senses and motor skills, but they also provide them with a fun way to explore the world around them! 

The best part about these toys is that it doesn’t matter what type of toy it is; any kind will be beneficial for your child during their development. 

So if you have a birthday coming up or just want to buy something nice for your little one, consider getting something from this list today.

Further Reading

The Early Teacher: Check out their collection of sensory toys for kids of all ages.

Lily and River: Learn about the benefits of sensory toys and sensory play for toddlers.

Twinkl Teaching Wiki: Explore Twinkl’s teaching wiki on sensory play, including ideas for different sensory activities.


What are sensory toys?

Sensory toys are toys designed to stimulate one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.

What are the benefits of sensory play for toddlers?

Sensory play can help toddlers develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills, as well as improve their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

What are some examples of sensory activities?

Examples of sensory activities include playing with sand or water, finger painting, playing with playdough, and exploring different textures.

Are sensory toys only for children with special needs?

No, sensory toys can benefit all children, regardless of whether or not they have special needs. They can help children develop their senses and improve their overall development.

Are there any safety concerns when it comes to sensory toys?

It’s important to always supervise children when they are playing with sensory toys to ensure their safety. Additionally, some sensory toys may not be appropriate for young children who are still putting objects in their mouths.