The Importance Of Sensory Play For Kids

Sensory play provides many benefits to children. It can help them learn, develop motor skills and also improve their social skills. 

Keep reading for more information about why sensory play is important for children and how it can be incorporated into your childcare routine.

Why Sensory Play Is Important to Keep Your Kids
Key Takeaways
Sensory play is an essential part of children’s learning and development.
Sensory play activities can promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development.
Sensory play can benefit children of all ages and abilities.
Parents can incorporate sensory play at home by providing a variety of materials and activities.
Sensory play can be a fun and engaging way for children to learn and explore their senses.

Aids In Learning

Sensory play has been shown to improve fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problem-solving skills, and language development. It’s also a fun way for kids to learn about their surroundings by using all of their senses.

Fine motor skills: Fine motor skills are the small movements of the hands and fingers that we use every day – holding a pen or pencil correctly; grasping objects; writing letters or numbers; using scissors; turning pages in a book. 

These actions help children develop good hand-eye coordination and dexterity as they grow up. This type of sensory play can help improve fine motor control by providing opportunities for children to practice these kinds of tasks on their own time as well as with adult guidance during playtime sessions together at home or school (or both!).

Gross motor skills: Gross motor skills refer primarily to large muscle groups used primarily for locomotion walking, running, jumping around etc.but also includes arm swings when running fast or kicking balls towards goals during sports activities. 

These types of movements have been linked with better balance later in life because they train us how our bodies move through space over time – something that becomes more important as we age into adulthood! 

This type of sensory play allows preschoolers who might not otherwise get enough exercise outside playing outdoors each day (weather permitting) get some much needed activity inside while still enjoying themselves doing so!

Sensory play is an essential aspect of toddlers’ learning and development, as it helps them explore their surroundings and understand their senses better. Discover the benefits of sensory play for toddlers in our guide on sensory play for toddlers.

Manages Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a normal part of life. They can be caused by things like over-scheduling, work conflicts, or relationship issues.

To manage stress and anxiety:

Identify what is stressing you out:

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks on your plate? Try to prioritize them and tackle the most pressing ones first. If possible, get help from someone else to take care of less urgent matters.

Be realistic about goals:

It’s okay to set ambitious goals for yourself but don’t push yourself too hard if it causes an increase in stress levels. You may have more time available than you think so don’t feel rushed or pressured into rushing through tasks just because everyone else seems busy as well!

Enhances Memory

While it’s hard to teach your child how to remember and recall information, sensory play is one of the most effective ways of improving memory.

Sensory toys help improve memory by encouraging the brain to fire neurons, which is the first step in transferring information from short-term to long-term memory. 

In addition, playing with a variety of colors and textures can stimulate the hippocampus the part of your brain that holds all of your memories.

So if you want your child to remember something better, try these simple steps:

  • Provide lots of opportunities for sensory play time (it doesn’t have be expensive!)
  • Mix up different types of sensory experiences so they don’t get bored or overwhelmed (like playing outside in nature versus playing inside with LEGOS)

Sensory toys are a great tool for introducing toddlers to different textures, sounds, and sensations, which can enhance their cognitive and motor development. Learn more about the importance of sensory toys for toddlers in our beginner’s guide on sensory toys for toddlers

Improves Brain Function

You’ve probably heard that the brain is like a muscle. The same way we exercise our muscles to improve their strength, we can exercise our brains by performing activities that stimulate them.

Sensory play helps kids to make connections between what they see, hear and feel. It also helps them develop self-regulation skills so they know how to calm themselves down when they’re upset or excited, which is especially important for young children who are still learning how to control their emotions.

The more you give your child opportunities for sensory play throughout the day (including regular time outdoors), the better prepared he will be for school when he gets there!

Increases Language And Vocabulary

Play is a great way to increase the vocabulary of your child. Language and vocabulary are fundamental to the development of a child’s language skills, so the more words you know, the more you can express yourself. The more you express yourself, the more confident you become in what you say and do.

Talking is one of the most important things we do as humans. We use our voice all day long: to talk with others around us; say hello or goodbye when we meet friends or strangers; inform others about what we’re doing (or want them to do); ask questions; tell jokes; share stories with friends or family members…you get my point! Without talking aloud so often in our daily lives, many people wouldn’t be able to communicate effectively enough to survive comfortably!

Builds Creativity And Imagination

Creative play is an essential part of a child’s development. It helps them think creatively, imagine new things and learn to problem solve. 

Sensory play works on all these areas. For example, when kids are pretending to cook in the kitchen, they are using their imagination to create something new out of an old item (the toy food). 

They also learn about cooking by pretending that the plastic food is real and how it feels in your hands or smells. Sensory play gives children so many opportunities for learning through play!

Improves Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are the movements of the small muscles in the hands and fingers. The baby’s fine motor skills develop from birth through age 2 and then slow down during ages 3-5 before beginning to improve again at 6 years old. 

You can help your child develop these important skills by making sure they have lots of opportunities to play with toys, tools, puzzles and other items that challenge them to use their hands.

Introducing sensory play through toys is a fun and engaging way to encourage toddlers’ development and creativity. Check out our guide on introducing sensory play to learn more about the benefits and different types of sensory toys for toddlers.

Helps With Gross Motor Development

Gross motor skills are the large movements of the body, like walking, running, jumping and throwing. These skills are important for physical development because they help with balance, endurance and muscle strength. 

They’re also necessary for social development because they allow children to interact with others more easily by playing games and engaging in sports. 

Gross motor skills also build cognitive development because they sharpen thinking skills through fine motor activities such as coloring or cutting paper into shapes. 

Finally, gross motor play develops emotional intelligence by giving children a sense of self confidence as well as helping them understand how their actions affect others around them

Fosters Self-Esteem And Confidence

  • Self-esteem is a sense of worth that we have in relation to our abilities, personality and behavior.
  • Children develop self-esteem as they experience success and obtain positive feedback from others.
  • Parents can foster their child’s self-esteem by encouraging them to try new things, giving them positive feedback when they succeed and helping them learn from mistakes.

Develops Social Skills And Sharing

Sensory play can also be a great way to help your child develop and learn skills that will be useful later in life. For example, it teaches them how to share and interact with other children. 

It allows them to practice being part of a group, which is important for their future development into adults who can work in teams or groups at school or work.

A child’s ability to engage socially with others is also an important skill for them when they grow up and start making friends, going out on dates, etc.

Finally and perhaps most importantly sensory play gives children a chance to learn empathy! When we interact with others through sensory activities like these ones below (which we’ll talk more about further down), we’re forced into someone else’s shoes for just a brief moment; this experience helps us understand what it feels like when things aren’t perfect for someone else–a valuable lesson indeed!

Sensory Play Ideas
Sensory bins
Water play
Sensory bottles
Finger painting
Bubble wrap
Shaving cream
Sensory walks
Nature scavenger hunt
Sensory playdough

Encourages Cognitive Growth

Sensory play is a wonderful activity for kids. It encourages cognitive growth, helps children learn new things, and develops their brain function.

Sensory play also helps children to focus and pay attention. When you’re playing with your child using sensory materials like sand or water, they are naturally more focused on the activity than if they were just sitting in front of a screen playing games or watching TV.

Sensory play has also been shown to increase creativity and imagination in young children. This is because it stimulates all five senses  sight, hearing, touch (including temperature), smell and taste  which can help them come up with many different ideas while playing with these materials.

Are you looking for sensory toys to add to your toddler’s toy box? We’ve got you covered! Our list of 15 sensory toys every toddler should have includes toys that can help with fine and gross motor skills, sensory exploration, and imaginative play

Improves Emotional Regulation

Sensory play is a great tool for improving emotional regulation. It helps kids understand and manage their emotions, as well as those of other people. 

This can help prevent overreactions or tantrums in children who may be easily frustrated by strong feelings.

Sensory play also helps kids learn how to express themselves effectively, which improves communication between parents and children. 

It allows them to express their needs through the appropriate channels, rather than relying on outbursts or other negative behaviors such as throwing a fit when they are hungry or tired.

Sensory play isn’t just a fun activity for kids; it’s also crucial for their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Find out more about the importance of sensory play in our comprehensive guide on sensory play for kids, which covers everything from the benefits of sensory play to tips for creating sensory play environments at home


There are many benefits to sensory play, and we have only touched on some of them here. 

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on sensory play and its benefits:

Sensory Play: The Importance of Play Based Learning: A blog post that explains what sensory play is and how it benefits children’s learning and development.

The Benefits of Sensory Play: Ideas and Activities: An article that discusses the advantages of sensory play for children of all ages and provides sensory play activity ideas.

The Benefits of Sensory Play for Kids: A blog post that explores the benefits of sensory play for children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development.


What is sensory play?

Sensory play involves activities that stimulate the senses, such as touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste, to promote learning and development in children.

What are the benefits of sensory play?

Sensory play has numerous benefits for children, including improved cognitive skills, language development, social skills, emotional regulation, and creativity.

What are some examples of sensory play activities?

Some examples of sensory play activities include playing with sand, water, playdough, sensory bins, finger painting, and exploring textures and materials.

How does sensory play benefit children with special needs?

Sensory play can be especially beneficial for children with special needs, as it can help them regulate their sensory systems and improve their communication, socialization, and motor skills.

How can parents incorporate sensory play at home?

Parents can incorporate sensory play at home by providing a variety of materials and activities that stimulate the senses, encouraging exploration and creativity, and making it a fun and engaging experience for their children.