Sensory Toys For Hand-Eye Coordination

Your baby is a smart little thing. They can learn and grow so much in their first year, and the best way for them to do that is with lots of playtimes.

There are tons of different toys out there that are perfect for babies, but we want to make sure that you’re getting the best bang for your buck when shopping for baby toys. That’s why we’ve decided to put together this list of our favorite sensory toys for hand-eye coordination:

10 Visual Motor Activities to Boost Hand-Eye Coordination
Hand-eye coordination is a crucial skill for many everyday activities, including writing, sports, and playing instruments.
Sensory play and toys can be effective tools for improving hand-eye coordination in children.
Activities such as building with blocks, drawing, and playing catch can all help improve hand-eye coordination.
Simple exercises like tracing shapes and tossing beanbags can also be effective for developing hand-eye coordination.
Consistent practice and encouragement are key to helping children improve their hand-eye coordination skills.

Soft Blocks

You can also use soft blocks to encourage hand-eye coordination. Soft blocks are easier for children to hold and stack, which makes them a great choice for younger children. They’re also more colorful than wooden blocks, which will keep your child’s attention (especially if you get a set that includes primary colors).

If you’re looking for the best quality soft block sets, we recommend these:

  • Bilibo Squishy Blocks – These are great because they’re made from nontoxic materials and come with an open-ended play guide that lets your child explore different ways of playing with them. They’re also super affordable.
  • Sophie la giraffe Rattle Teethers – These toys look like rattle teethers but they don’t actually make any noise (so they can be used by babies who still have sensitive hearing), making them ideal for stimulating baby’s senses while keeping them safe.

Improving hand-eye coordination in toddlers can be made fun and engaging with the right toys. Our sensory toys for developing grasping skills are specially designed to help toddlers improve their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills through play.

Ball And Cup

You’ve probably seen this toy before. It looks like a plastic cup with a large hole in it, and it has a ball that fits perfectly through the hole. The idea is to catch the ball in the cup without letting it drop out of the bottom of the cup.

The smaller you make your own version, the harder it will be because your hand has to be able to hold something much smaller than what most children are used to using. This is a great way to practice hand-eye coordination.

Sensory Toys for Improving Hand-Eye Coordination

Product NameDescriptionPrice
Shape Sorter ToyA classic toy that helps children develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by sorting shapes into the corresponding holes.$12.99
Tactile Sensory BallThis squishy ball is covered in soft, textured bumps that provide tactile feedback and encourage children to grasp and throw.$9.99
Wooden Lacing BeadsThese colorful wooden beads can be strung together to make necklaces and bracelets, helping children develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.$14.99

Stringing Beads

Stringing beads is a great way to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This activity can be enjoyed by children and adults alike, giving them the opportunity to work on their dexterity while spending time with one another. 

Stringing beads is a good activity for parents to do with their kids as well as for adults who are looking for ways to unwind after work or school.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Beads in different colors and shapes (you’ll want at least 10 beads per person)
  • Two strings of equal length (about 2 feet)

Gross motor skills play an important role in improving hand-eye coordination, and sensory play can be a great way to encourage their development. Learn more about how to use sensory play to promote building gross motor skills in toddlers and young children.

Peg Board

Pegboards are common toy boards with holes in them, where you can sort and stack things. It helps improve hand-eye coordination, which is great for kids’ fine motor skills development.

Practice Catching A Ball

Practice catching a ball.

  • Keep it light; use a ball that’s easy to catch and throw.
  • Make sure you can see where the ball is in space, then try to catch the ball with your eyes closed.
  • Practice catching on an angle with different parts of your body (hands, forearms, elbow, etc.).

Play With A Wind-Up Toy

Wind-up toys are a fun way to develop hand-eye coordination. They can be used by kids and adults alike, and they’re great for teaching cause and effect. You simply wind up the toy, let it go, and watch as it spins or moves around (you might even be able to catch it!).

Wind-up toys also help develop your child’s ability to predict how an object will move after being wound up. 

This is important because these skills are needed for daily living in many ways: when riding a bike or catching a ball, for example.

Sort Between Two Bowls

In this activity, you will need two bowls. The first bowl should be a bit smaller than the second one. The child should be able to easily pick up beans (or another small object) from this bowl and place them in the larger bowl without spilling any of the beans.

Repeat this activity with increasing difficulty until your child can successfully sort between two bowls that are almost identical in size, shape, or color.

Sorting activities are great for teaching your kids about colors, shapes, and sizes.

Strong muscles are essential for improving hand-eye coordination, and the right sensory toys can be a great way to build them. Our collection of sensory toys for building stronger muscles is specially designed to help children develop the strength they need to improve their hand-eye coordination

Dress Up In Layers

In a playful tone, start with a shirt. Layer on a sweatshirt next, and then add a jacket to keep you warm. Add some accessories to finish the look: scarves, hats, and gloves for chilly days; socks and boots for rainy ones.

Fidget Spinner

A fidget spinner is a type of toy that’s becoming increasingly popular among kids and adults. It’s a small device with three or more arms attached to a central hub, which helps you spin the arms around in a way that resembles the mechanism of certain types of fans. 

The outer part of the spinner may be flat or rounded, but it usually features one or more finger holes (for your fingers) and/or grooves (for your thumb) this makes it easier to control while you’re spinning it.

A fidget spinner can come in many different shapes and sizes; for example, some have four or five arms instead of three and some have an open center instead of a solid hub. 

Some spinners have big finger holes so they fit snugly into your hand; others are smaller so they’re easy to hold between two fingers without having extra space between them (this is ideal if you want better control over where each arm ends up). 

You’ll also find variations based on what type of material was used: plastic materials tend towards being smooth while metal versions often have bumps along their surface for increased friction resistance when turning at high speeds.

There are several benefits associated with using these types of devices: firstly because they’re lightweight enough not to require much effort when rotating them around; secondly, because they don’t make annoying noises like many other toys out there today do so parents won’t mind leaving one lying around during playtime sessions either! They can even help relieve stress levels by giving users something else besides video games consoles or television sets and best yet all those hours spent playing with one won’t count against their homework assignment deadlines either since we know how important

Babushka Nesting Dolls

Nesting dolls, also known as babushka dolls, are a fun way to develop your child’s hand-eye coordination. These little figurines are nested within one another and can be opened up to reveal smaller parts within each doll. The innermost doll has no additional parts and represents the “babushka” (grandmother) of the original set.

Nesting dolls offer many benefits for children: they encourage creativity and imagination; they teach kids about color, size, shape, and other physical properties; they provide practice with fine motor skills such as dexterity; and most importantly for parents who don’t have time for games like this at home nesting dolls can be played with by children without having any adult supervision.

The best way we’ve found to play with these toys is by putting all six together on top of a table so we can see them all clearly from across the room (if there are more than six then take some out). We also put a small bowl next to them so we know where our pieces go when playing finished (it helps prevent losing pieces). Then it’s time for lots of fun!

Motor skill development is closely related to hand-eye coordination, and sensory toys can play a big role in helping children improve both. Our article on the importance of sensory toys for motor skill development explores the many benefits of using sensory toys to promote the development of motor skills in children

Balance Bean Bags On Your Head While Walking

One thing you can do is balance bean bags on your head while walking. This is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination and balance, as well as teach children how to stay focused and keep their heads up.

  • Keep your eyes on the bean bag at all times! If it falls off, you must start over again.
  • Don’t let the bean bag touch your head or the floor/ground at any time during this activity. If this happens, you should start over again or do another activity until you are ready for another attempt.
  • Don’t let the bean bag touch either of your hands during this activity either! If it does happen that one of those things happens, then go back and try again later when you’re feeling better about yourself (or whatever).

Roll A Cotton Ball With Your Nose

This is a fun and challenging game to play with a friend or on your own. It also helps with hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and even breathing.

To start, take a small cotton ball and place it in front of you on the floor. Pick up the ball using only your nose (no hands allowed) then roll it across the floor towards the other person who is waiting for it at the other side of the room. Repeat this until one person wins.

Sensory manipulative toys can be an excellent way to enhance motor skills and improve hand-eye coordination in children. Our guide to enhancing motor skills with sensory manipulative toys explores the benefits of these types of toys and provides helpful tips for using them to promote the development of motor skills in children.


Hopefully, we’ve given you some great ideas for how to use some of these toys in your everyday life. Some are easy to find and can be used at home, while others might require a little more effort on your part before they become useful. 

Of course, there are many other types of sensory toys out there that aren’t listed here. If you know of any other great activities related to hand-eye coordination, feel free to share them with us.

We would love to hear what works best for your child or student when learning new skills such as catching balls.

DIY Sensory Toys for Hand-Eye Coordination

Sensory ToyMaterialsDescription
Sensory binPlastic bin, sensory materials (e.g., rice, beans, water beads)A tactile sensory toy that can be customized to your child’s interests.
Pom-pom dropCardboard tube, pom-pomsA fun and easy toy that can help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
Pipe cleaner threadingPipe cleaners, colander or strainerA simple activity that can help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Further Reading

Sensory Toys 101: A Comprehensive Guide to the Benefits and Best Picks for Your Little One: This article provides an in-depth guide to sensory toys, including the benefits of sensory play and some of the best sensory toys on the market.

Hand-Eye Coordination Activities for Kids: This page offers a variety of fun and engaging activities that can help improve hand-eye coordination in children.


What are sensory toys?

Sensory toys are toys that are designed to stimulate one or more of the senses. They are often used to promote learning and development in children, especially those with sensory processing issues.

How do sensory toys help with hand-eye coordination?

Sensory toys can help with hand-eye coordination by engaging the senses and providing opportunities for children to practice using their hands and eyes together. For example, toys that require children to pick up and manipulate small objects can help improve their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

What are some good sensory toys for improving hand-eye coordination?

Some good sensory toys for improving hand-eye coordination include building blocks, puzzles, balls, and toys that involve sorting or threading.

How can I incorporate sensory play into my child’s routine?

There are many ways to incorporate sensory play into your child’s routine, such as setting up a sensory bin, playing with water or sand, or using sensory toys during playtime. It’s important to choose activities and toys that are appropriate for your child’s age and developmental level.

Are there any safety concerns with sensory toys?

Like any toys, there are some safety concerns to keep in mind when using sensory toys. Be sure to choose toys that are age-appropriate and made from safe materials, and always supervise your child during playtime. If you have any concerns about the safety of a particular toy, consult with a healthcare professional or occupational therapist.